Lieutenant Steve Weiler
p 708.615.6226
Lieutenant Steve Weiler commands the Administrative Division for the Forest Park Police Department. The Administrative Division employs civilian staff to perform many functions within the police department. The Communications Section, working 24/7, is vital in the law enforcement profession because of the dangers involved in the work and also because officers are often counted on in emergencies to save or protect the lives of citizens within the community. The Records Section collects, documents and maintains a vast amount of information. Proper maintenance and retrieval of this information is critical to insure arrests flow smoothly through the criminal justice system, justice is efficiently sought, and the Department operates efficiently. The Parking Section processes all parking and compliance tickets. Effective parking enforcement helps provide and maintain a safe and uncongested means for the movement and parking of vehicle traffic. In addition, Lt. Weiler also addresses issues related to police motorcycles and vehicle maintenance, department training, internships, the police facility, and policies. The Administrative staff is committed to providing excellent customer service.