NIPAS was formed in 1994 when the World Cup Soccer came to the United States and Illinois especially. With the large crowds and unruly fans that go with world cup soccer games the local towns and villages got together and formulated the NIPAS organization to supplement manpower issues.
There are different levels of support through NIPAS. The first level is a basic car plan. Each contributing community agrees that if another NIPAS community is in need of immediate manpower such as for traffic control, each community will agree to send one squad car to the requesting agency. A level 10 box alarm would bring 50 squad cars the aid of the requesting community.
Another level of NIPAS is the Mobile Filed Force team used for crowd control also called a Riot Team. Each NIPAS community that commits at least 1 officer to the MFF will have the use of the team if needed. Such incidents the MFF has been utilized for include KKK rally, Outlaw Motorcycle rally, and immigration issues. The Forest Park Police Department currently has 2 officers assigned to the NIPAS MFF.